Monday, September 23, 2013

Source 5: Ain't I A Woman?

Bloul, Rachel A.D. "Ain't I A Woman? Female Landmine Survivors' Beauty Pageants And The Ethics Of Staring." Social Identities 18.1 (2012): 3-18. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Sept. 2013.

2. Actually, the title of this article caught my eye the most. "The ethics of staring" it said. I guess it's because staring isn't nice, but mixed into a setence with ethics than it gets more interesting. In reading the article, I was kinda horrified at the thought of a "Miss Landmine" yet horror does spawn curiosity for sure. This source was good in that it provided a very drastic and different take on conventional beauty pageants.

3.) "grotesque, immoral, exploitative" pg 4
women are objectified and are the symbolism of groups - pg. 4 (very interesting thought there...)

4.) Funny thing is, the article made me think of women in a whole new light. Not very feminist pov but rather in the light of what women represent in society. What women actually go through.

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