Monday, November 11, 2013

Source 15: Global Beauty Pageants Get Politically Controversial: Is Controversy Key?


International Business, Times. "Global Beauty Pageants Get Politically Controversial: Is Controversy Key?." International Business Times 26 Oct. 2013: Regional Business News. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

2. White Strikes Most:
So I'm going through the KSU database in hopes to find a good source, as per usual, when I thought I should veer away from the academic journals because there are only so many before it gets a little outlandish (i.e "Divas or Devils?" or something like that). I came across what seemed to be a recent article, because the crowning of Miss Universe JUST happened not even yesterday. 
3. "Beauty pageants are special avenues for demonstrating femininity, grace, brainpower and beauty. But today these contests are being used as venues for politics and controversy."
""We live in an era where these things matter so much. The more extreme things are going to get more attention," she added."
"The spiteful social media comments that drew her into a public debate about racism turned out to be another prospect to promote her platform on educating children about diversity."
4. While this article didnt talk abou the crowning of Miss Valenzuela, it most definitely hit some nice key points about how pageants could be very helpful. It wasn't at all in depth, but it was short and sweet and gives enough food for thought to keep the paper going in the right direction.

Source 14: Child Beauty Pageants - Pros and Cons


"Child Beauty Pageants - Pros and Cons." Buzzle. Buzzle.

2. What Strikes Most:
Funny enough, I found this article via a link that was posted on Source 13. I figured that that article was based on this one and it appears to have the same structure as the current one. There is both a pros and cons section, and the pros section looks much lengthier than the last. Scrolling to the bottom is a comments section where there is a discussion taking place. I have not really read into detail yet, but I'm guessing that a good portion of the comments are going to argue for the cons.

3Participating in a beauty pageant helps children overcome their shyness and stage fright. It also gives them an opportunity to showcase their singing, dancing, and communication skills.

So many contestants end up becoming close friends, and even though they may not win a significant place in the pageant, they take home the everlasting gift of friendship and wonderful memories.

4. I wish the article didn't emphasize child pageantry so much, but it made good points about pageants in general like how they help promote good causes and a passion for something. There indeed many lengthy sentences about the cons, much to my dismay. The comments were a mix of not useful to sort of discernable. There was a plethora of random commentary, which tells me that this is probably not the best source to be solely basing research off of. HOwever, there were a few comments about individual perspectives that fell in between the two polar sides of "pageants are great" and "pageants promote unhealthy issues"

Source 13: Pros and Cons of Beauty Pageants


"Pros and Cons." Weebly, 11 November 2013.

2. White Strikes Me First:
Actually, what strikes me first when I found this article wasn't about that I found an article - it's more like I feel like my options are starting to become really limited the more I search. I feel that I've found great sources before, and some of the stuff I find now is a little absent minded. I've also noticed that a lot of articles that are anti beauty pageant or just pageants in general, center around child pageants.

Now, the article looks short and sweet. I'm hoping that it gets straight to the point. I see that there is both a pros and cons section, which is great except that the cons paragraph is much longer AND comes with a video. So I'm starting to think this article is more anti-pageant than pro-pageant.

3. The world stood in a state of shock. The death news of a 6 year old Colorado girl, who participated in a child beauty pageant was flashed on every news channel"

" who is to be blamed? The parents for letting their children divert into the world of fashion at a very tender age, the media for creating a hype about such beauty pageants or the organizers for tapping the potential market in child modeling. "

" At a very young age the child learns discipline, patience and confidence. The pride of standing and modeling in front of an audience instills self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment."

4. After reading the article, my suspicions were confirmed: while the article was straight to the point and gave some good pro-pagaent points, the rest was mostly negative. It's a little frustrating because I feel like I chose a side to pageants that only those who've experience pageants would understand. The author made some really good points in her cons section though. I especially liked how she mentioned pageants are a means of delivering community service.

Source 12: Self-Confidence: Are Beauty Pageants A Good Idea?


Randall, Kerri. "Self-Confidence: Are Beauty Pageants A Good Idea?" Kerri Randall. Kerri Randall.

2. What Strikes:
The first look at the sources made me think that the title is very misleading. I was not sure about if the source was going to be a good source, no matter how long it was. There are a lot of ads ont he sides, and it seems more like a blog than an article. I dont know what I expect non scholarly sources to look like, but this was very different from the sources like CNN or PBS that I've been using.

3. "Beauty pageants have always been under scrutiny, especially when it comes to such little girls."

"I had a lot of wonderful experiences in pageants. "

4. After Reading:
What I liked the most about this article was that the author highlighted or bolded her main points throughout the article. I realized that this article was not about the pageantry I was looking for and kind of focused on the aspects of child pageantry growing up. Yes, it gave me plenty of insight about my topic but no, I don't think I'll be using it as a source. I think that the best use of this source would be to think about some of the points she made and then build my own opinions out of that. I could really use those points as supportive ideas for my over all thesis.

Source 11: People & Events: The First Miss America Beauty Pageant


"People & Events: The First Miss America Beauty Pageant." Miss America. American Experience, 07 November 2013.

2. White Strikes Me the Most
When writing my paper, I wanted to start out with giving a good, solid history about beauty pageants. I went through several sources in order to compile my information, and this was just one of those sources that helped me discuss the history of Miss America. The source seemed very reputable for not being a scholarly source (at least, I would think PBS knows what they're talking about!) and the length of the information seemed promising.

3. As plans proceeded and contestants were selected, a local Atlantic City newspaperman, Herb Test, enthusiastically proclaimed, "And we'll call her Miss America."

"he first Miss America competition was kicked off by the arrival of King Neptune on a barge that landed at the Atlantic City Yacht Club."
" From the very beginning, the pageant was confronted with a conflict between the effort to present an image of innocence and virtue while, at the same time, promoting a spectacle where women paraded in public in bathing suits."

4. The Source Reconsidered
The source, after reading, made me realize that it's hard to quote information like this because it's so black and white. At best, I would paraphrase it and work it into a bigger paragraph. The article was very light on its' subject matter, though towards the end it started to get a into the nitty gritty of problems that arose. I wish it had explained more about the last paragraph, but it was a very useful resource.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Source 10: Queens of Academe: Campus Pageantry and Student Life

Tice, Karen W. "Queens Of Academe: Campus Pageantry And Student Life." Feminist Studies 31.2 (2005): 250-283. Literary Reference Center. Web. 14 Oct. 2013.
What Strikes Me Most:
3. On my search for more pro-pageant articles within KSU’s database, I came across this article. I read the bit of abstract or summary that it offered and found it to be something definitely worth looking in to. The abstract states that it “Focuses on the interplay of college-based beauty pageantry and student life” which to me is great because I am a college student myself. I would like to believe women at this age are pretty feminist in their views and so I thought the article would address the relationship between idealism in pageants and actual normal students. Is it promiting better or worse self body images?
Source Notes:
3. “Because divergent notions of nation, region, markets, race, ethnicity, cultural identity, class, and sexuality have been historically mapped onto women's bodies, beauty contests have been significant sites for constructing notions of locality and community.”
“Consequently, they often reinforce hegemonic social relations and domesticate race and class divisions, but they nonetheless can articulate divergent identity projects.”
“On first consideration, colleges and universities seem to be unlikely venues for showcasing beauty, yet they have been in the business of sponsoring student beauty pageants for more than seventy-five years.”
The Source Reconsidered:
4. When I said earlier that pageants can be great for any number of reasons, well this article definitely put those floating thoughts into a coherent piece. I thought the tidbit about how colleges support pageants because it’s a great mix of beauty and brains showcased. It empowers women to take the courage and pursue their own personal and political agendas, and that ultimately makes a stronger woman. A stronger woman is a more challenging woman, and the world today still has residual feelings of inferior women.
In a nutshell, that kind of controversy is why pageants are good platforms on dragging out underlying issues and shining light on to them.

Source 9: Beauty Queens: Gender, Ethnicity, And Transnational Modernities At The Miss India USA Pageant

Mani, Bakirathi. "Beauty Queens: Gender, Ethnicity, And Transnational Modernities At The Miss India USA Pageant." Positions 14.3 (2006): 717-747. Academic Search Complete. Web. 14 Oct. 2013.

What Strikes Me Most
2. I decided to take a break from surfing the web for resources and focused on trying to discover resources within the KSU database. I figured that my first research paper was all about finding articles that were moderate or non-bias, but its time that I tried looking for pro-pageant articles. I came across this article because the title of “Gender and Ethnicity” definitely seemed promising to look at. I’m hoping that it talks about how beauty pageants can benefit women, obviously, but more importantly what they say about how certain issues can manifest themselves within the grounds of beauty pageants.

Source Notes:
3. “Beauty pageants, which at the international, national and local community levels are identical in format, present unique opportunities to study the production and representation of culture and power.”

“beauty pageants are where cultural meanings are produced”

The Source Reconsidered:
4. The article is indeed quite lengthy, and after reading a good chunk of it, I think that this article isn’t going to be used much in the future. I am dismayed to say while the article had a good point here and there, it focused too much on how popular beauty pageants like Miss India USA have become in Indian communities.

Then again, it’s an interesting to think in the abstract that perhaps the article is getting towards the idea where second generation Indians create an entirely new identity for themselves. Is this answering my question by saying that the evolution of a culture and it’s values can be easily showcased in pageants?